Friday 27 July 2012


How To Use Aero Flip 3D In Windows 7

Windows Flip 3D
Home Premium • Professional • Enterprise • Ultimate

For years, Alt+Tab keyboard shortcut has offered a quick way to bring a different window to the front without using the mouse. If you press Tab while holding down the Alt key,  we see  the icons of all running programs. Each time you press Tab again (still keeping the Alt key down), you highlight the next icon; when you release the keys, the highlighted program jumps to the front.If your computer can support Aero , Microsoft has something much great for this purpose: Flip 3D, a sort of holographic alternative to the Alt+Tab trick. 

What It Does ?
Flip 3D displays your open windows in a stack. You flip through them to find the one you want, and you’re there. It’s fast, efficient, animated, and fun.

How You Use It ? 
Press  Windows logo key +Tab. Keep your thumb on the Windows logo key key,it happens .At this point, you can shuffle through the “deck” of windows using either
  • Tap the Tab key repeatedly. (Add the Shift key to move backward through the stack.)
  • Turn your mouse’s scroll wheel toward you. (Roll it away to move backward.)
When the window you want is in front, release the key. The 3-D stack vanishes, and the window appears before you at full size.

Flip 3D Without Holding Down Keys
if you don't  want to exhaust yourself by keeping  your thumb pressed on that Windows logo key key,Try this
  • Add the Ctrl key to the usual keystroke. That is, Press  Windows logo key+Ctrl+Tab. This time, you don’t have to keep any keys pressed.
At this point, you can use the arrow keys or your mouse’s scroll wheel to flip through the open windows without having to hold down any keys. When you see the one you want, press the Esc key to choose it and bring it to the front.

In the end Flip 3D comes out to be a pretty cool feature in windows.What you say ? ,Tell me about it.

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